Afdal Group

Business Development

Potential customer :

We provide you verified Data With seeking on the internet with various way such as : directly attending , calling and other possible ways . And we do separate the intrested people considering your product , at the end , you will have a list of potential buyers .

Market segmentation:
For better results you need to consider all the using aspects of your product, we define your product and do segmentation in a best way

Competitors analysing:
We go to the market , collect all data of your competitors, we’ll collect all the critical Data such as : pricing, services, the ways of advertising.. and we will find out all the pros and cons which affects on your business

Supplier finding :
For giving a competitive price in the market in case you aren’t the producer, you need to have a best suppliers for buying cheap and selling with competitive price , we will provide you best suppliers

Why market research is important?

Market research can answer very critical questions like:

The volume of money you need to invest in order to launch this business , what will be the risks ? Who are your competitors and feasibility of competing with them , and what will be the best advertising tools ? Which way will be the fastest way to attracting customers? Or even if this business idea worth the time or spending money on it ? What will be the  expected monthly costs? How many staff you will need to run this business? And much more…

To register a company in Dubai, you can contact Afdal team.