Afdal Group

How to register a branch in UAE?

minimum investment for company registration in Dubai

Are you navigating the complexities of establishing a business presence in the UAE? This guide is a comprehensive resource for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to register a branch in the UAE.

From understanding legal frameworks to navigating financial implications, we’ve covered every aspect to ensure a smooth transition into this dynamic market. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can successfully set up your branch in the UAE with Afdal Group‘s expert insights.

Understanding the Business Environment in UAE

The business environment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is marked by its economic stability, business-friendly policies, and strategic location. These factors create a conducive atmosphere for establishing and operating a business, including registering a branch.

  1. Economic Stability: The UAE’s economy is characterized by robust growth, diversification, and resilience. This stability is attractive to foreign investors looking to register a branch in the UAE, as it promises a secure environment for long-term investments.
  2. Business-friendly Policies: The UAE government has implemented policies fostering entrepreneurship and ease of business. These include streamlined registration processes, minimal bureaucratic hurdles, and supportive legal frameworks, all vital for businesses contemplating branch registration in the UAE.
  3. Strategic Location: Positioned at the crossroads of trade routes connecting the East and West, the UAE offers business strategic advantages. This location facilitates easy access to international markets, making it an ideal hub for companies aiming to expand their global reach through a UAE-based branch.

Types of Business Entities in UAE

There are several business entities in the UAE, each with unique features and relevance. Understanding these is crucial for businesses planning to register a branch in the UAE.

  • Free Zone Entities: Free zones in the UAE offer 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and customs duty benefits, among others. They are ideal for businesses seeking a presence in the UAE without needing a local partner.
  • Mainland Companies: These entities operate in the UAE’s local market and require a local sponsor or partner. They offer greater flexibility in business operations and the ability to trade directly within the UAE and internationally.
  • Offshore Corporations: Nonresident companies are used mainly for international business purposes, asset protection, and tax optimization. At the same time, they offer financial privacy but cannot conduct business in the UAE.

Timeframe for Branch Registration in UAE

Step Typical Timeline
Preliminary Research and Planning 2-3 weeks
Selecting the Business Jurisdiction 1-2 weeks
Trade Name Reservation and Initial Approvals 1-2 weeks
Document Attestation Up to 1 month
Government Fees Payment 1-2 weeks
Legal and Consultancy Services Varies depending on the complexity
Total 3-6 months

Each type of business entity caters to specific business needs and objectives. Understanding these distinctions is key to determining the most suitable structure for establishing a branch in the UAE and aligning to register a branch in the UAE.

Step-by-Step Guide to Registering a Branch in UAE

In the following content we will talk about different steps:

Step One: Preliminary Research and Planning: Detail

Preliminary research and planning are vital to register a branch in the UAE. This step involves understanding the market environment, identifying potential business opportunities, and analyzing the legal requirements specific to the UAE.

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Businesses should gather comprehensive information about the UAE’s commercial laws, tax regulations, and industry-specific guidelines.

Step Two: Selecting the Business Jurisdiction

When registering a branch in the UAE, choosing the proper jurisdiction – mainland or free zone – is crucial. Mainland companies generally offer a broader business operation scope within the UAE market, whereas free zones provide certain tax exemptions and allow for 100% foreign ownership.

Each option has advantages and requirements, which should align with the company’s strategic goals and operational needs.

Step Three: Trade Name Reservation and Initial Approvals

Reserving a trade name is a foundational step in the process to register a branch in the UAE. This involves selecting a unique name that complies with UAE regulations and reflects the business’s nature.

Following this, initial approvals from relevant UAE authorities, such as the Department of Economic Development (DED), are required. These approvals are based on the branch’s business activities and legal structure.

branch registration in Dubai

Further Steps: Documentation and Finalization

Completing the registration process requires submitting various documents, including the parent company’s Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association, and other legal documents required for branch registration in the UAE.

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Once the paperwork is in order, finalization involves obtaining the trade license, registering with the Ministry of Economy, and fulfilling sector-specific regulatory requirements.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • Commercial Laws and Regulations: Understanding the UAE’s commercial laws is pivotal for businesses registering a branch in the UAE. These laws encompass company formation, operation, compliance, and dissolution. They ensure businesses operate ethically and align with the UAE’s commercial objectives.
  • Compliance and Legal Considerations: Compliance with local and federal laws is non-negotiable. This includes adherence to financial reporting standards, employment laws, and industry-specific regulations. To maintain operational legitimacy in the UAE, businesses must stay abreast of legal changes.

Role of the Ministry of Economy in Registration

The Ministry of Economy plays a pivotal role in the process to register a branch in the UAE. It oversees and ensures foreign businesses comply with the UAE’s economic policies and legal standards.

This involves evaluating applications for branch registration, ensuring that foreign companies meet all legal and commercial requirements, and issuing necessary approvals. The Ministry’s involvement is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the UAE’s business environment, safeguarding both local and foreign interests.

Cost of branch registration in UAE

  1. Government Fees: The government fees to register a branch in the UAE vary based on the type of business and location (mainland or Free zone branch registration in Dubai). These fees cover trade license registration, name reservation, and other administrative expenses.
  2. Legal and Consultancy Fees: Legal and consultancy fees are crucial for navigating the complex process of branch registration. These may include fees for legal advice, documentation, and liaising with government authorities.

Table: Estimated Costs for Setting Up a Branch Office in UAE

Expense Estimated Cost
License Fees 2,000-10,000 AED
Sponsorship and Service Agent Costs 5,000-20,000 AED
Trade Name Reservation Fees 200-1,000 AED
Legal and Consultancy Fees 10,000-50,000 AED
Government Fees 1,000-5,000 AED
Attestation Fees 500-2,000 AED
Total 30,000-100,000 AED

Post-Registration Considerations

Several post-registration considerations must be addressed after successfully registering a branch in the UAE. This includes obtaining necessary permits for operational commencement, adhering to local labor laws for staffing, and ensuring compliance with ongoing regulatory requirements.

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Regular audits, financial reporting, and renewals of licenses and permits are also part of maintaining a branch in the UAE. These steps are crucial for the seamless operation of the branch and for upholding its legal standing in the UAE market.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Registering a branch in the UAE involves navigating various challenges, from understanding local laws to managing bureaucratic procedures. Companies should thoroughly research UAE regulations to overcome these Challenges of registering a branch in UAE and seek assistance from experienced local the Best consultants for branch registration in the UAE.

Effective communication with the UAE’s Ministry of Economy and understanding cultural nuances also play a crucial role. Additionally, ensuring all documents are correctly prepared and legalized can prevent delays in the registration process.

Benefits of registering a branch in UAE

  • Market Access: Establishing a branch in the UAE offers access to a thriving and diverse market, enhancing the potential for business growth and expansion.
  • Tax Benefits: One of the compelling advantages is the tax-friendly environment, with potential corporate and income tax exemptions.
  • Brand Presence: Setting up a branch can significantly boost a company’s brand presence in the Middle Eastern market, enhancing its global reputation.

Benefits of Opening a Branch Office in UAE

Benefit Explanation
Market Access Gain access to a thriving and diverse market, enhancing business growth and expansion potential.
Tax Benefits Enjoy a tax-friendly environment with potential exemptions from corporate and income tax.
Brand Presence Enhance brand presence in the Middle Eastern market, strengthening global reputation

How Much Does it Cost to Open a Branch Office?

  1. License Fees: These are mandatory payments for obtaining the business license and vary depending on the type of business and location within the UAE.
  2. Sponsorship and Service Agent Costs: Involves fees for local sponsors or service agents, a requirement for foreign businesses in the UAE.

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Cost Breakdown for Setting Up a Branch Office

Expense Description
License Fees Mandatory payments for obtaining the business license
Sponsorship and Service Agent Costs Fees for local sponsors or service agents, which are required for foreign businesses in the UAE
Trade Name Reservation Fees Charges for reserving a unique trade name
Legal and Consultancy Fees Costs associated with legal and consultancy services
Government Fees Government fees for various administrative and legal tasks
Attestation Fees Costs for verifying the authenticity of documents

Why Choose UAE for Your Branch Office?

Choosing the UAE for your Register branch office in Dubai offers several strategic benefits. Firstly, the UAE’s business-friendly environment, robust economic policies, and supportive government initiatives make it an ideal destination. The country’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa provides access to diverse markets.

Moreover, the UAE’s state-of-the-art infrastructure and growing digital ecosystem offer a conducive environment for businesses to thrive. The UAE’s reputation as a global business hub also attracts talents worldwide, ensuring access to a skilled workforce.

Advantages of Choosing UAE for Your Branch Office

Advantage Explanation
Business-Friendly Environment Robust economic policies, supportive government initiatives, and strategic location
Strategic Location Crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, providing access to a diverse range of markets
State-of-the-art Infrastructure and Digital Ecosystem A conducive environment for businesses to thrive, with advanced infrastructure and digital connectivity
Global Business Hub Reputed as a global business hub, attracting talents from around the world

Secure Business Premises and Consultant

Securing a business premise in the UAE is a critical step in establishing your branch. It involves choosing a suitable location that aligns with your business needs, whether in a bustling city center or a specialized free zone offering specific advantages. Engaging with a knowledgeable local consultant is highly beneficial.

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They can provide insights into the best areas for your business, help navigate local regulations, and assist in liaising with authorities. Consultants can also offer valuable advice on market trends, ensuring your business is strategically positioned for success in the UAE market.

Table: Steps to Secure a Business Premise and Consultant

Step Description
Identify Suitable Location Assess the suitability of different locations based on business needs
Engage with Local Consultant Partner with a knowledgeable local consultant for insights into the best locations and assistance with legal and regulatory compliance
Verify Local Regulations Ensure compliance with local zoning laws, building codes, and other regulations.
Secure Lease Agreement Negotiate and execute a lease agreement with the property owner

Document Attestation For Setting Up Branch

Document attestation is crucial when setting up a branch office in the UAE. This process involves verifying the authenticity of the documents required for registration. The attestation process ensures the documents are legally recognized in the UAE.

It typically involves obtaining official stamps from the UAE embassy in the country of origin and then from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE. This process helps prevent fraud and establish the business entity’s legitimacy.

Documents Required for Setting Up Branch Office in UAE

  • Certificate of Incorporation: This is the primary document that indicates the formation of the parent company. Verifying the company’s legal existence for Company branch registration in the UAE is essential.
  • Memorandum of Association (MoA): The MoA outlines the company’s objectives, powers, and internal structure. It’s a critical document defining the company’s scope of operations and framework.
  • Articles of Association (AoA): This complements the MoA and provides in-depth regulations on the company’s internal affairs and management.

Supporting Documents Required for Branch/Subsidiary in UAE

  • Financial Statements: The latest audited financial statements of the parent company are required. They provide insights into the financial health and stability of the company.
  • Power of Attorney: This legal document authorizes a specific individual to act on behalf of the company in the UAE. It’s necessary for carrying out various legal and administrative functions.

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Trade Name Reservation Application Form

Reserving a trade name is a foundational step in registering a branch in the UAE. This process involves selecting a unique name for your branch that aligns with your business activities and complies with UAE regulations.

The trade name reservation application form must be completed and submitted to the relevant authorities, typically the Department of Economic Development (DED) in the chosen Emirate.

This step is essential as it ensures that your chosen name does not conflict with existing businesses and meets the legal requirements set forth by the UAE government.

Director/Investor/Manager Passport Copy

Submitting passport copies of directors, investors, or managers is a standard requirement in the UAE’s business registration process. These documents serve as a form of identity verification and are crucial for the authorities to ascertain the legitimacy of the business representatives.

The passport copies must be precise and up-to-date, often needing to be accompanied by other personal identification documents. This step is integral in building a transparent and trustworthy business profile, which is paramount in the UAE’s business environment.

Audited Accounts of the Parent Company for the Last Two Years

For a parent company to register a branch in the UAE, providing audited accounts for the last two years is imperative. These financial statements offer a detailed view of the company’s financial health and operational success.

They are scrutinized by the UAE authorities to ensure financial stability and compliance with international accounting standards. This requirement underscores the UAE’s commitment to economic transparency and sound financial practices.

A Statement Listing Out the Company’s Business Objectives, Plan, and Major Operation Activities

A well-articulated statement outlining the company’s business objectives, plans, and significant operational activities is essential when establishing a branch in the UAE. This document should clearly define the business’s short-term and long-term goals, strategies for achieving these goals, and a detailed description of the company’s core activities.

This statement helps the UAE authorities understand the business’s purpose, its potential impact on the local economy, and how it aligns with the UAE’s economic objectives.

Attested Agreements with the Local Service Agent (LSA)

In the UAE, foreign companies must have agreements with a Local Service Agent (LSA), particularly for branches outside free zones. The LSA, typically a UAE national or a company owned by UAE nationals, facilitates various administrative and legal tasks.

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Attested agreements with the LSA are crucial as they outline the scope of services, responsibilities, and the terms of the partnership. These agreements must be duly attested and submitted as part of the branch registration process, ensuring compliance with local business laws and regulations.

Key Considerations for Choosing a Local Service Agent (LSA)

Consideration Explanation
Experience and Expertise Ensure the LSA has extensive experience in assisting foreign businesses with branch registration and ongoing compliance.
Reputation and References Check the LSA’s reputation and seek references from other businesses they have worked with
Communication Skills and Multilingual Support Verify the LSA’s communication skills and ability


Throughout this article about Register a branch in the UAE, we’ve explored its intricacies, highlighting its crucial steps and the requirements for a successful establishment. From legal prerequisites to financial considerations, we have provided a detailed roadmap for businesses aiming to expand their reach in this thriving market.

As you venture into this journey, remember the importance of thorough preparation and strategic planning. Consider exploring more insights on Afdal Group’s blog for further guidance and expert services. Your successful business expansion in the UAE is just a well-informed decision.


How does one register a foreign company branch in the UAE?

The process involves submitting a request to the Ministry of Economy within one month of the license being issued by the concerned authority.

Can foreign companies retain 100% ownership of their UAE business?

Yes, foreign companies wanting to retain 100% ownership over their business can open a branch in Dubai.

What is the difference between a branch and a representative office in Dubai?

A branch in Dubai can engage in commercial activities and make profits, whereas a representative office cannot.

What is the time frame for incorporating a branch in Dubai?

The time frame for incorporating a branch in Dubai is around 2 months.

Is a local legal representative required to open a Dubai branch?

Yes, opening a branch in Dubai requires a local representative or service agent.

What is the parent company’s liability for a branch in Dubai?

The parent company is fully liable for the branch office’s debt and obligations.

Can a branch in Dubai hire local staff?

Yes, a branch in Dubai has the possibility of hiring local staff.

What is the corporate tax rate for a branch in Dubai?

The corporate tax rate for a branch in Dubai ranges from 0% to 55%.

Can a Foreign or UAE company branch be established in the Dubai Development Authority’s Free Zone?

Yes, the Dubai Development Authority enables owners of Foreign or UAE companies to establish a branch in its Free Zone.

What is the difference between branches in mainland Dubai and free zone branch offices?

The main difference is that free zone branch offices will be subject to the registration and licensing requirements imposed by the authority in the free zone in which they will operate.