Afdal Group

Tourism Company Registration in the UAE

UAE Trading License

Tourism company registration in the UAE involves choosing between mainland and free zone operations, understanding various business structures, obtaining the right licenses, navigating legal requirements, and implementing effective marketing strategies.

The UAE’s appeal for tourism businesses lies in its diverse offerings, strategic location, and supportive government policies. Key steps include selecting business activities and jurisdiction, submitting necessary documents and costs.


Have you ever wondered what getting Tourism Company Registration in the UAE takes? Establishing a flourishing business in this vibrant sector is laden with unique opportunities and challenges. This article unveils essential insights, from selecting the right business structure and understanding the legal landscape to mastering marketing strategies for your tourism venture.

Discover a comprehensive guide to tourism company registration in the UAE, enriched with practical tips and real-world case studies. Let’s explore how you can navigate this exciting journey effectively.

The Appeal of the UAE for Tourism Businesses

The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a global hub for tourism, attracting entrepreneurs and investors from across the world. The appeal lies in its diverse cultural heritage, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and strategic location, making it a magnet for tourists seeking luxury, adventure, and culture.

Tourism company registration in the UAE offers businesses a gateway to this lucrative market, supported by the government’s commitment to expanding the tourism sector. The UAE’s visionary policies and significant investments in tourism infrastructure underscore its position as a premier destination for tourism businesses.

Deciding Your Business Structure and Location

Choosing the right business structure and location is pivotal for the success of any tourism company in the UAE. This decision impacts operational efficiency, tax obligations, and the ability to expand. Entrepreneurs must navigate these choices carefully, balancing their business needs with each option’s advantages.

Mainland vs. Free Zone Operations

  1. Advantages of Mainland registration:
    • Access to the broader UAE market without restrictions.
    • Ability to undertake government contracts.
    • No limit on the number of visas for employees.
  2. Benefits of choosing a Free Zone:
    • 100% foreign ownership without the need for a local sponsor.
    • Full repatriation of profits and capital.
    • Exemption from import and export duties.
  3. Key differences to guide your choice:
    • Regulatory environment: Mainland companies are subject to UAE commercial laws, while free zones offer more liberal regulatory frameworks.
    • Business scope: Mainland companies can operate anywhere in the UAE, whereas free zone companies are generally restricted to operating within their free zone.
    • Ownership structure: Free zones allow for full foreign ownership, while mainland businesses typically require a UAE national as a sponsor or partner.

Company Structure Options in the UAE

The UAE offers several company structures to cater to the diverse needs of the tourism sector. These structures vary in terms of ownership, liability, and tax implications, making it essential for businesses to choose one that aligns with their goals.

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  • Sole Proprietorship:
    • Ideal for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.
    • The owner has complete control but is also fully liable for debts and obligations.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC):
    • Offers limited liability to owners, protecting personal assets from business risks.
    • Requires at least one local partner owning 51% of the business, though profit distribution can differ.
  • Free Zone Company (FZC):
    • Enables 100% foreign ownership and tax exemptions.
    • Must operate within the free zone but can trade internationally and with UAE companies through local distributors.

Types of Tourism Licenses in the UAE

The UAE offers a variety of tourism licenses to cater to the diverse spectrum of activities within the tourism sector. Each license serves a specific market segment, from travel agencies to tour operators, ensuring that businesses operate legally and meet the high standards set by the UAE authorities.

Understanding the types of tourism licenses in the UAE is crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to establish or expand their operations in this sector. This understanding helps in complying with local regulations and aligning business offerings with market needs.

Licensing Requirements and Procedures

tourisem company in UAE

  • Tourism License:
    • Required for companies offering tourism-related services directly to travelers.
    • Businesses must comply with specific regulations, including staff qualifications and office requirements.
  • Travel Agency License:
    • It is essential for businesses to arrange travel, accommodations, and tours for individuals and groups.
    • Applicants must show proof of travel industry experience and provide a suitable office space.
  • Tour Operator License:
    • Designed for companies organizing tours and excursions within the UAE or abroad.
    • Requires detailed business plans and contracts with service providers like hotels and transport companies.

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Special Licenses for Unique Activities

  1. Adventure Tourism License:
    • Tailored for companies specializing in adventure tourism activities like desert safaris, mountain climbing, and water sports.
    • Businesses must adhere to safety standards and have qualified guides.
  2. Cultural Tour Operator License:
    • For companies focusing on cultural tours highlighting the UAE’s heritage, history, and arts.
    • Operators should have in-depth knowledge of the UAE’s cultural sites and partnerships with cultural institutions.
  3. Event Management License:
    • Necessary for businesses organizing tourism-related events, conferences, and exhibitions.
    • Requires coordination with various stakeholders, including venue owners, speakers, and sponsors.

Types of Tourism Licenses in the UAE

Tourism License Description Suitable for businesses offering
Tour Operator License Permits organizing tours and excursions within the UAE or abroad Sightseeing tours, adventure activities, cultural tours, special interest tours
Travel Agency License Allows arranging travel, accommodations, and tours for individuals and groups Flight bookings, hotel reservations, itinerary planning, visa assistance
Tourism License Grants permission to offer tourism-related services directly to travelers Transportation services, ticketing, tourist information centers, travel insurance
Adventure Tourism License Tailored for companies specializing in adventure activities Desert safaris, mountain climbing, water sports, skydiving
Cultural Tour Operator License Designed for companies focusing on cultural tours Heritage tours, historical site visits, museums and art galleries, traditional experiences
Event Management License Necessary for businesses organizing tourism-related events Conferences, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, sporting events

Step-by-Step Guide to Registering a Tourism Company in the UAE

Registering a tourism company in the UAE involves a series of structured steps designed to ensure that your business aligns with local regulations and market needs.

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This guide provides a clear pathway for entrepreneurs to navigate the registration process, from conceptualizing the business idea to officially launching operations. Tourism company registration in the UAE is a multi-stage process that requires careful planning and adherence to specific procedural steps.

Step One: Choose Your Business Activity

The first step in establishing a tourism company in the UAE is clearly defining your business activity. This decision is crucial as it determines the type of tourism license you need and influences many aspects of your business setup, including the location, target market, and operational guidelines.

The UAE offers a wide range of tourism-related activities, from travel agencies and tour operators to adventure sports and cultural tours. Selecting the right business activity that aligns with your business vision and market demand is key to setting a solid foundation for your company.

Step Two: Selecting the Jurisdiction

Once you’ve defined your business activity, the next step is to choose the appropriate jurisdiction for your operation. The UAE offers two main types of jurisdictions: Mainland and Free Zone. Each comes with its own set of advantages and regulations.

  • Mainland jurisdictions allow you to conduct business directly with the UAE market and require a local sponsor for foreign entrepreneurs.
  • Free Zones offer 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and no currency restrictions.

Your choice between Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or other Emirates will depend on various factors, including business activity, target market, and preferred benefits. Each emirate has unique advantages; some have free zones dedicated to specific industries, including tourism.

Step Three: Submit Your Application

With your business activity chosen and jurisdiction selected, the next step is to submit your application for company registration. This involves gathering and submitting all necessary documents for your specific tourism license. The required documents typically include:

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  • A detailed business plan.
  • Passport copies of the owner(s) and any shareholders.
  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) from relevant authorities if applicable.
  • Proof of trade name reservation.
  • Initial approval from the Department of Economic Development or the relevant Free Zone authority.

Further Steps to Finalize Your Business Setup

After submitting your application, there are several further steps to complete before you can start operating your tourism company in the UAE:

  • Obtain final approval and your tourism license.
  • Pay the necessary fees, which vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific costs of registering a tourism company in the UAE.
  • Sign your office lease agreement – a requirement for most tourism licenses.
  • If applicable, apply for visas for yourself, your employees, and their dependents, adhering to the visa requirements for registering a tourism company in the UAE.

Essential Documents for Tourism Company Registration in the UAE

Compiling all the necessary documentation beforehand is crucial to ensure a smooth registration process for your tourism company in the UAE. The UAE government requires specific documents to process your application and grant your business legal permission to operate.

These documents serve as a foundation for your business’s legal structure, compliance, and operational readiness in the vibrant tourism sector of the UAE. Here’s a detailed list of the essential documents you will need:

  1. Passport copies:
    • Required for all shareholders and the manager of the company.
    • Must be valid and legible to verify the identities of the business owners.
  2. Memorandum of Association:
    • A critical legal document that outlines the company’s structure, business activities, and the distribution of shares among partners.
    • Must be drafted according to the UAE legal standards and attested by the relevant authorities.
  3. Business plan:
    • A comprehensive document detailing your business goals, strategies, market analysis, financial projections, and operational plans.
    • This document is especially important for obtaining certain types of tourism licenses and free zone registrations, as it demonstrates your business’s feasibility and potential impact.
  4. Office rental agreement:
    • Proof of a physical office or business address is mandatory for most tourism business licenses in the UAE.
    • The agreement should be attested and indicate the location, size, and suitability of the premises for the intended tourism activities.

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Essential Documents for Company Registration

Document Type Purpose Required by (Free Zone/Mainland)
Passport copies Identify shareholders and company manager Both
Memorandum of Association (MOA) Outlines company structure, activities, and share capital Both
Business plan Demonstrates feasibility and financial viability May be required by some free zones
Office rental agreement or proof of business address Verifies company location Both
Bank reference letter Demonstrates financial stability May be required by some authorities
Power of attorney (if applicable) Authorizes a representative to act on your behalf Only if not physically present in the UAE
Additional documents May vary depending on specific license requirements and the chosen jurisdiction Both

Cost Analysis: Starting a Tourism Company in the UAE

Starting a tourism company in the UAE is an attractive proposition for many entrepreneurs, thanks to the country’s booming tourism sector and supportive business environment. However, understanding the financial implications is crucial for effective planning and budgeting.

This cost analysis provides an overview of the expenses involved in setting up a tourism company in the UAE, from government charges to operational costs.

License Fees and Other Government Charges

  • Initial approval fees:
    • The fees paid to the relevant authorities for your business application’s initial review and approval. It’s the first step in obtaining your business license.
  • Trade name reservation fees:
    • This fee is for reserving your chosen company name with the Department of Economic Development or the respective free zone authority. It ensures your business name is unique and registered in the UAE.
  • License fees range:
    • The cost of obtaining a tourism license in the UAE varies depending on the type of license, the jurisdiction (mainland or free zone), and specific business activities. License fees can range significantly, so getting updated figures based on your business model is important.

tourisem company registration in Dubai

Additional Financial Considerations

  1. Professional fees:
    • These include fees for legal services, consultancy, and any other professional services you might need to set up your business. Engaging with the best consultants for registering a tourism company in the UAE can help streamline the process, but it comes at a cost.
  2. Office space costs:
    • Renting office space is a requirement for most business licenses in the UAE. Costs vary widely based on location, size, and amenities. Free zones often offer flexible office solutions like shared spaces or serviced offices that may be cost-effective for new businesses.
  3. Operational expenses:
    • These are the day-to-day business expenses, including employee salaries, utility bills, marketing and advertising costs, and insurance. Operational expenses must be carefully budgeted to ensure the sustainability of your tourism company.

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Cost of Registering a Tourism Company in the UAE

Fee Description Estimated Range (AED)
Initial approval fees Government review and approval of your business application 1,000 – 5,000
Trade name reservation Securing your chosen company name 500 – 1,000
License fees Cost of obtaining your specific tourism license 5,000 – 20,000
Professional fees Legal services, consultancy, and other professional support 5,000 – 20,000
Office space costs Renting commercial premises Varies depending on location, size, and amenities
Operational expenses Employee salaries, utilities, marketing, insurance Varies depending on business size and activities

Navigating Legal Requirements and Visa Processes

Establishing a tourism company in the UAE involves navigating a series of legal requirements and visa processes to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. This journey is crucial for business owners to legally operate and hire a workforce in the UAE.

Understanding the visa requirements for business owners and employees is a fundamental aspect of this process, ensuring that your company operates smoothly and within the legal framework provided by the UAE authorities.

Visa Requirements for Business Owners and Employees

  • Investor Visa:
    • This visa is designed for entrepreneurs and investors looking to start or invest in businesses within the UAE. It provides the holder with residency in the UAE and allows them to act as a sponsor for family members. To qualify for an Investor Visa, individuals must invest a minimum amount in their business, as stipulated by the specific emirate or free zone authority.
  • Employee and dependent visas:
    • Once your tourism company is established, you must obtain visas for your employees, allowing them to live and work in the UAE. Additionally, you and your employees can sponsor visas for dependents, including spouses, children, and sometimes parents, under specific conditions set by the UAE government.
  • Visa processing steps:
    • The process typically involves submitting the required documentation, including passport copies, photos, and application forms, to the relevant immigration authorities. Tourism company registration in the UAE may also include obtaining approvals from the Ministry of Labour and the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) or other relevant bodies, depending on your company’s activities. The process concludes with a medical test and issuing an Emirates ID for the visa applicant.

Estimated Costs for Starting a Tourism Company

Cost Type Estimated Amount (AED) Notes
Initial approval fees 1,000 – 5,000 Varies depending on jurisdiction and business complexity
Trade name reservation 500 – 1,000
License fees 5,000 – 20,000 Depends on the specific tourism license
Professional fees 5,000 – 20,000 Legal services, consultancy, and other support
Office space costs Varies Depends on location, size, and amenities
Operational expenses Varies Includes employee salaries, utilities, marketing, insurance
Visa fees (if applicable) Varies Depends on visa type and number of employees

Approvals, Permits, and Licenses For Registering a Tourism Company

Navigating the legal landscape to register a tourism company in the UAE requires a comprehensive understanding of the various approvals, permits, and licenses specific to the tourism industry. The process varies significantly between mainland and free zone jurisdictions, offering distinct advantages and constraints.

This exploration aims to demystify the steps involved, ensuring your tourism business complies with UAE regulations and thrives in its vibrant market.

Initial Approvals and Documentation

Securing initial approvals and preparing necessary documentation form the foundation of your tourism company’s legal structure.

Engagement with the Department of Economic Development (DED) is essential for companies aiming to establish themselves on the mainland. Conversely, those opting for a free zone setup must liaise with the respective free zone authority. Essential documents for this phase include:

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  • A comprehensive business plan that outlines your tourism services, target market, and operational strategies.
  • A lease agreement for your office or business premises is a prerequisite for most tourism businesses.
  • The Memorandum of Association (MOA) details the company’s shareholders, business activities, and governance structure.

Choosing the Right Business Structure:

Deciding on the legal structure of your tourism company is crucial. Choosing between a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a branch office, or a free zone company impacts everything from ownership to operational scope. Each structure has its own set of regulations regarding ownership and requirements:

  • LLCs and branch offices in mainland jurisdictions often require a local sponsor or agent, with foreign ownership typically capped at 49%.
  • Free zone companies enjoy 100% foreign ownership, no currency restrictions, and repatriation of profits and capital.

Mainland Licensing Process:

For those establishing a tourism company on the mainland, the licensing process involves several key steps:

  • Applying for a tourism license with the respective emirate’s DED or the tourism authority.
  • Meeting criteria related to office space, share capital, and securing a local sponsor or service agent as per UAE law.

Free Zone Licensing Process:

Free zones offer tailored environments for tourism companies, with benefits including:

  • Identification of free zones specializing in tourism, such as Dubai Tourism Free Zone or Fujairah Creative City, which offer infrastructure and services tailored to the industry.
  • Enjoying 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and more streamlined procedures compared to mainland setups.

Additional Permits and Clearances:

Beyond the basic licensing, tourism companies must secure various permits and clearances to operate legally and responsibly:

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  • Health and safety approvals, ensuring your operations meet the UAE’s stringent standards for tourist safety.
  • Environmental clearances are particularly relevant for adventure tourism companies operating in natural settings.
  • Specific permits for tour guides, travel agents, and transportation services, each with its requirements and standards.

Leveraging Free Zones for Your Tourism Company

  • Benefits of free zone registration:
    • Free zones in the UAE offer numerous advantages for tourism companies, including 100% foreign ownership, full repatriation of profits and capital, exemption from import and export duties, and no corporate or personal income taxes.
    • These benefits create an attractive environment for international entrepreneurs looking to establish or expand their tourism businesses in the UAE.
  • List of popular free zones for tourism businesses:
    • Dubai South Free Zone, known for its proximity to the Al Maktoum International Airport and Expo 2020 site, offers travel and hospitality companies opportunities.
    • Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority Free Zone and Fujairah Creative City are other examples that provide supportive ecosystems for tourism-related ventures.
  • Comparison of free zones vs. mainland:
    • While free zones offer considerable incentives such as tax exemptions and ease of setup, mainland companies benefit from direct access to the broader UAE market and the ability to engage in a wider range of business activities without restrictions.
    • The choice between the free zone and the mainland depends on the business’s specific needs, including the target market, business activities, and growth aspirations.

Comparison of Free Zone and Mainland Benefits

Feature Free Zone Benefits Mainland Benefits
Company setup Faster and easier registration process A more complex and time-consuming process
Ownership structure 100% foreign ownership allowed in most cases Requires local partners for foreign investors (except for certain sectors)
Taxation No corporate income tax, import/export duties Subject to corporate income tax (typically 15%)
Profit repatriation Full repatriation of profits allowed Restricted profit repatriation in some cases
Business activities Specific activities permitted within the free zone A wider range of activities allowed
Visa regulations Simplified visa process for company owners and employees Standard UAE visa procedures apply
Flexibility Scalable business operations, easy-to-change activities More rigid business environment


Through this detailed exploration, we’ve learned the critical steps and considerations for setting up a tourism company in the UAE, highlighting the importance of choosing the correct business structure, navigating legal requirements, and employing strategic marketing tactics.

The insights offered reflect the comprehensive nature of tourism company registration in the UAE, equipped with actionable strategies to tackle potential challenges head-on.

For those inspired to embark on this entrepreneurial journey, Afdal Group stands ready to support your ambitions with expert guidance and resources. We invite you to explore more insightful blog posts and reach out with your questions to pave your way to success in the UAE’s dynamic tourism industry.


How do I start a tourism company in UAE?

To start a tourism company in UAE, choose the mainland or free zone, define a business activity, select a name, obtain initial approval, undergo site inspection, and sign agreements.

What is the process of starting a tourism business in Dubai?

Starting a tourism business in Dubai involves obtaining name approval and preapproval, acquiring a Tourism department NOC, renting office premises, signing agreements, and obtaining liability insurance.

How much does it cost to register a tourism company in Dubai?

The total cost of registering a tourism company in Dubai can vary, but it generally includes registration fees, local agent fees, immigration registration, office rent, visa fees, and insurance premiums.

What are the documents required to open a travel agency in Dubai?

Required documents include passport copies, residency visas, office lease agreements, degree certificates of managers, and indemnity insurance policies.

Can foreigners open a company in the UAE?

Yes, foreigners can establish businesses in UAE as mainland companies, free zone enterprises, or offshore companies, thanks to amendments allowing 100% ownership.

Is starting a travel agency a profitable business in the UAE?

Yes, starting a travel agency in the UAE can be profitable due to the high demand for tourism services and the country’s status as a major tourism hub.

How much money does the UAE make from tourism?

In 2022, the travel and tourism sector contributed nearly AED 167 billion to the UAE’s GDP, equivalent to 9% of the total GDP.

Who regulates travel agencies in UAE?

The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) is responsible for issuing licenses and ensuring compliance with industry standards for travel agencies in the UAE.

Can you own 100% of a company in UAE?

Yes, expats can now own 100% of businesses in UAE, thanks to amendments to the Commercial Companies Law implemented from June 1, 2021.

Can I register a company in Dubai without living there?

Yes, Dubai actively encourages foreign investment, allowing non-residents to initiate and own businesses without needing residency visas.

